Transformer Oil

ELECTROL® type – II transformer Oil

ELECTROL® type – II transformer Oil


ELECTROL® type – II transformer oil is severely refined hydrocracked / hydrotreated virgin, uninhibited mineral insulating oil with highest degree of purity and stability. ELECTROL® type – II is manufactured from judiciously selected blend of latest technology feed stocks.


ELECTROL® type – II offer several advantageous characteristics
• DBDS free
• PCB free
• Metal passivator & deactivator free
• Product is rigorously analysed and passes the corrosion test as per DIN 51353 & IS 16310 methods
• In accordance with IS 335 -2018, all additives are declared


ELECTROL® type – II is highly suitable for all grades of

  • Power transformers & Distribution transformers
  • Circuit Breakers & Rectifiers
  • Oil filled switches & Switchgears
  • X-ray equipment

Technical Specifications

Typical Properties & Characteristics Test Description Test Method Specification Typical Values
Appearance A representative sample of the oil shall be
examined in a 100mm thick layer 270C
Transparent clear colourless,odourless liquid
free from suspended impurities
Transparent clear colourless,odourless liquid
free from suspended impurities
Density @ 29.50C (Max) IS 1448(P:16):1977 0.89 0.83
Kinematic Viscosity @ 270C,cSt(Max) IS:1448(P:25):1976 27 16
Interfacial tension @ 270C,N/m (Min) IS:6104:1971 0.04 0.046
Flash Point, 0C(PMCC)Min IS:1448(P:21):1970 140 160
Pour Point, 0C (Max) IS:1448(P:10):1970 -6 -27
Neutralisation value
a)Total Acidity,mgKOH/g(max)
ii)In Organic Acidity,mgKOH/g(Max)
IS:1448(P:2):1967 0.03
Nil Nil
Corrosive Sulphur As per IS:335,Annex B Non-Corrosive Non-Corrosive
Electric Strength(Breakdown Voltage) a)New Unfiltered oil,kV (Min)
b)After Filteration,kV (Min)
IS :6792:1972 30
Di electric Dissipation factor (tan    ) @900C IS 6262:1971 0.002 0.00030
Specific resistance (Resistivity) a)At 900C , ohm-cm (Min)
b)At 270C,Ohm-cm (Min)
IS 6103:1971 35 x 10 12
1500 x 10 12
250 x 10 12
3000 x 10 12
Oxidation Stability a)Neutralisation value after Oxidation,mgKOH/g (Max)
b)Total sludge after oxidation, % by weight (Max)
As Per IS:335
Annex C
Ageing Characteristics after accelerated ageing (open Beaker method with copper catalyst)
a)Specific resistance (Resistivity) 1)At 900C,ohm    cm (Min)
ii)At 270C, ohm-cm (Min)
b)Dielectric Dissipation factor (tan    ) @900C c)Total Acidity , mg KOH/g (Max)
d)Total Sludge,% by weight ( Max)
IS 12177:1987
Method A IS:6103:1971
IS: 6262:1971 IS1448(P:2):1967
Annex A of IS:12177
0.2 x 10 12
2.5 x 10 12
2 x 10 12
50 x 10 12
Nil Nil
Presence of Oxidation Inhibitor IS 13631:1992 Not Present Not Present
Water content , ppm (Max) IS 13567: 1992 50 25
SK Value As per IS:335
Annex D
Under consideration
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