Online Coal Quality Analyser

Introduction: The analyzers allow monitoring of actual coal quality online directly on the belt conveyor, can determine the calorific value, ash content and flow rate within specified time interval. Use of the units will improve the excavation efficiency and allow optimization of coal consumption which leads to significant cost reduction. The content of non-combustibles is evaluated based on attenuation of dual gamma radiation. The measurement method conforms to all nuclear safety regulations.

The GE3000 series coal analyzers represent the third generation of Enelex on-line radiometric analyzers. Its evolution utilizes more than 25 years of practical experience and knowledge in the field of contactless coal quality monitoring and also needs of our important customers.

It is intended for perimeter protection, especially in difficult conditions. It can detect intruders in total darkness without any additional illumination,in fog, rain or through bushes. The thermal imaging cameras used detect the heat given off by objects, so it offers exceptional performance in detection of persons, animals or machines.

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  • On-line calorific value evaluation in MJ/kg or kcal/kg
  • On-line ash percentage evaluation
  • On-line monitoring of coal quantity (flow rate) in t/h
  • On-line monitoring of material layer height on the belt conveyor in mm
  • Device calibration for 12 different coal types with possible extension
  • Measurement in three independent time frames (online value, input activated time interval, preset shift-wise time interval)
  • Control stage touchscreen user interface with both numeric and graphic result presentation

Technical Specifications

GE3000  GE3000.CM  GE3000.EX  GE3030 
Belt width  unlimited  unlimited  unlimited   
Conveyor speed  unlimited  unlimited  unlimited   
Coal granularity*  unlimited  0 – 90 mm  unlimited  0 – 20 mm 
Coal layer*   40 – 350 mm  40 – 300 mm  40 – 250 mm  Approx. 100 mm in sample container 
Measurement range  As required  As required  As required  As required 
Response time  Adjustable (typ. 1 min)  Adjustable (typ. 1 min)  Adjustable (typ. 1 min)  3 – 10 min 
Quantity of measured material  As per belt conveyor  As per belt conveyor  As per belt conveyor  Approx. 2 kg in sample container 
Accuracy of ash content determination  Better than ± 1,0 %  Better than ± 1,0 %  Better than ± 1,0 %  Better than ± 0,5  
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