Substation Health Audit


Your Doctor to keep the Substation Healthy

SSHA – Substation Health Audit

There are variety of equipment in a substation & each one need a different type of testing device, skill, procedure etc.  to find out its healthiness. To do so, one need to appoint different agencies to carry out these tests. We Taurus Powertronics, being manufacturer and supplier of various kind of testing equipment have a big team of highly experienced test engineers who not only know to operate the test equipment but also know the test procedures, standards, safety rules to be followed. We are expert in reading, understanding, analysing the output produced by the test equipment and pinpointing the actual problem and suggest the remedial action. Your all testing requirements can be catered under one roof – Taurus Powertronics 

SSHA Package – Scope of the Work

  • DCDB Health Battery Charger check for Ripple current, Existing load and panel display. Individual battery check for Output Voltage, Internal Resistance, Specific Gravity, Electrolyte temperature. If there are any DC Earth Faults in the System, those are pin pointed and isolated.
  • Surge Arrester Health Measuring 3rd Harmonics Leakage Current, temperature and Ultra Sound Scanning of Lightning / Surge Arresters in the substation.
  • Earthing System Soil Resistivity, Resistance of Earth Pit, Continuity Test
  • Corona Detection Corona Scanning of Insulator Strings, Bushings, Hardware joints, Circuit Breaker etc
  • Hot Spot Detection To inspect all Joints of Terminal Connectors to Identify Hot Spots in the substation
  • Ultrasound Scanning Ultrasound Scanning of Insulator Strings, Switchyard equipment and Control Panels
  • Leakage Current Measurement Leakage Current Measurement of all support structures in the substation
  • Power Quality Checking the Power Factor, frequency and Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage, Current, Power, check as per IEC Standard. 
  • Visual Inspection General inspection of substation keeping in view the safety, Health & cleanliness  
  • Transformer Health Analysis Analysis of the health of the transformer based on the historical test data provided by the utility.
  • Gas Leakage Detection SF6 gas Leak Detection on various components like circuit breaker & GIS Substation
  • SF6 Gas Analysis SF6 gas analysis of circuit Breaker & GIS Substation
  • Dissolved Gas Analyser Onsite measurement of all diagnostic gases plus moisture for all size Transformers, Tap Changer Tanks, Oil filled Circuit Breakers, Instrument Transformers
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